Hello math fanatics. This is my first post in any forum. I struggle a lot with mathmatical algabra questions . No matter how hard I try, I just am not able to solve any equation in less than an hour. If things go this way, I reckon I will not be able to pass my math exam.
You’re not alone. In fact, I had the same problem just before I discovered something very helpful . Have you encountered Algebrator? If you don’t know anything about this great piece of program yet, let me give you an idea about this software. This is a program that helps you to answer math problems and at the same time you could learn from it because it displays a step-by-step procedure of solving the problem. It helped me in my woes in math and my marks significantly improved since I tried this. Be reminded that it does not only show the answer but it helps you learn how to solve the problem that makes it very educational.
Algebrator is used by almost every person in our class. Most of the students in my class work in the evening . Our teacher introduced this program to us and we all have been using it since then.
I would advise using Algebrator. It not only helps you with your math problems, but also provides all the necessary steps in detail so that you can enhance the understanding of the subject.
Wow, that's great news ! I was so stressed but now I am quite thrilled that I will be able to improve upon my grades! Thank you for the reply guys! So then I just have to get the program and do my homework for tomorrow. Where can I find out more about it and purchase it?