I have two children that are average students. They do fine in most subjects but math has always stumped them. They found your algebra software to be like an in-home tutor. Im happy to say their marks are finally going up.
Waylon Summerland, TX.
My daughter is in 10th grade and son is in 7th grade. I used to spend hours teaching them arithmetic, equations and algebraic expressions. Then I bought this software. Now this algebra tutor teaches my children and they are improving at a better pace.
S.R., Washington
The complete explanations, a practical approach, low price and good assignments make it my best professional tutor.
M.D., Missouri
Can I simply tell you how wonderful you are? May seem like a simple thing to you, but you just restored my faith in mankind (no small thing). Thank you for your kind and speedy response.
Tom Green, MA
The Algebrator is the perfect algebra tutor. It covers everything you need to know about algebra in an easy and comprehensive manner.
Margaret, CA