Be it Step by Step explanation for an equation or graphical representation, you get it all. I just love to use this due to the flexibility it provides while studying.
Sharon Brightwell, WA
Algebrator was much less expensive then traditional Algebra tutors, and allowed me to work at my pace with each problem. If it was not for Algebrator, I fear that I may have failed my Algebra class. Youre a lifesaver!
Leslie Smith, MA
Look. Your product is so good it almost got me into trouble. I needed the edge in college after 15 years of academic lapse and found your program. I take online courses so I was solving problems so fast the system questioned the time between problems as pure genius. Funny but now I must work slower to keep off the instructors radar screen. Funny heh? Thanks guys well worth the money.
Kenneth Schneider, WV
Look at that. Finally a product that actually does what it claims to do. Its been a breeze preparing my math lessons for class. Its been a big help that now leaves time for other things.
Samantha Jordan, NV
At first, I was under the impression your software was aimed at the elementary and high school level, so I didnt use it at all. Finally, one night I on a whim I tried it out and, after getting past the initial learning curve, was just blown away at how advanced it really is! I mean, Ill be using all the way through my BS in Anthropology!
Tami Garleff, MI