The program has led my daughter, Brooke to succeed in her honors algebra class. Although she was already making good grades, the program has allowed her to become more confident because she is able to check her work.
Miguel San Miguel-Gonzalez, Laredo Int. University
This is a great program I have recommended it to a couple of students.
Mary Jones, NY
I use to scratch my head solving tricky arithmetic problems. I can recall the horrible time I had looking at the equations and feeling as if I will never be able to solve them but once I started with Algebrator things are totally different
Simon Charles, CA
You know, for a step-by-step algebra solution teaching software program, I recommend Algebrator to every student, parent, tutor, teacher, and board member I can!
Clay Timmons, TX
Teachers used to pick on me because I didn't do my homework, but now the Algebrator does my homework for me, and the funny thing is that I actually understand where those results came from.
Richard Straton, OH